Ladies, you often are the ones who take care of the family health concerns of yours. Did you know that of how to guard the own eye sight of yours? Hormonal changes, your age and smoking is able to affect your eye sight. You need to earn eye health a high priority for yourself!

Fact: Over 3.4 million Americans age 40 and older have problems with visual impairment, and 2.25 million are ladies.

Fact: Women tend to be more susceptible compared to men to AMD particularly, which destroys central vision, with 1 million of the 1.6 million cases identified to females, according to the Vision Problems in the U.S. report by Prevent Blindness America (PBA) as well as the National Eye Institute. Women also have problems with more cataract problems than males.

Eye diseases are on the increase in North America. One reason is the ageing element, people live longer. The older one gets, the more the eyes will degenerate. women often outlive males, and hence, the expansion of eye disease in females. Obesity, lack of training, stress and a nasty diet all help to identify the overall health of your eyes.

Make eye health condition a high priority. Read and reviews – – research on natural, alternative ways to help maintain eye health. If you do have an ailment and have not seen the eye doctor of yours, do so right away, early detection is a highly regarded priority in treating illness.

Some conditions to be cognizant of, and see your doctor about:

Chronic dry eye syndrome: Do rubbing the eyes of yours a whole lot. Do they really feel gritty? If yes, see your doctor.

Optic Neuritis: The patient may notice blurred or distorted vision, decreased color vision, or perhaps a blind spot.

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