At what time selecting a frame, how do you guarantee the frame fits properly? Do you utilize a technical guideline or count on customer feedback? As the eyewear industry expands the boundaries of frame design, eyecare professionals need to adapt the qualities of the frame connecting process to the changing climate of frame shapes and styles.

The complex steps to frame fitting is a guideline that will allow each user the ability to quickly find the ideal match, while incorporating the needed fashion and function strengths a customer needs.

A technical fit will rely on five components:

1) Face shape;

Two) Frame width;

Three) Bridge style & size;

Four) Temple length; and 5) Lifestyle.

All these components plays an important role in helping choose the proper frame for the customer of yours.

The 5 Components to a Technical Frame Fit:

1). Face Shape Everyone has various face shapes, sizes, and features and this’s exactly why frame companies produce many different types and colors of frames. The key is finding a frame that uses the customer’s features to benefit the fashion of theirs needs and alpilean reviewgreat post to read, general look. Deciding on a frame based on face shape is a very subjective practice because what might be seen as suitable based mostly on facial condition may stop being the appearance or perhaps style the customer desires to use. Below is a chart which will help determine which style of frame must be considered when viewing the shape of the customer’s face:

Oval face – Normal shape – Most shapes will be suitable

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